90 km/h are back on departmental roads


France 3

Article written by

R. Ho-A-Chuck, O. Martinet, A. Cretin – France 3

France Televisions

The main roads limited to 80 km / h go back to 90 km / h, Monday 1er August, in Puy-de-Dôme. This speed increase was carried out after an accident study.

In the Puy-de-Dôme, the speed limit at 80 km / h will have lasted four years. Monday 1er August, the authorized speed goes back to 90 km/h. “Personally, 80 km/h suited me well, it allowed me to anticipate the dangers of the road”, says a woman. The president of the county council had promised a change of gear. An accident study had been carried out. “Our fellow citizens are already driving with awareness”estimates Lionel Chauvin, president of the departmental council of Puy-de-Dôme.

In addition to this increase, 330 sections limited to 70 km/h are reinforced. Thanks to panels or signage, motorists will be called upon to slow down. Since this decision, the employees of the technical centers have replaced the 80 km/h signs. “We have a short fortnight to put the logistics in place”indicates Fabrice Leroux, director of the road management of territorial development of Sancy (Puy-de-Dôme).

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