87 million euros for its partnership with an online poker site?

Comedian, singer, poker player… Patrick Bruel has more than one string to his bow, but did you know that the interpreter of “Casser la voix” is also a great business man? The proof, according to La Lettre de l’Expansion, the 64-year-old artist would have won a huge jackpot following the progressive sale of his shares in the online gaming site Winamax. In recent years, this operation would have brought him more than 87 million euros.

Also, according to information from the informedPatrick Bruel “today has a large portfolio valued at more than 36 million euros, made up of various holdings in the food and biotech industries as well as in the cinema. ».

“The sectors of education, leisure, finance and health are of particular interest to him. I make him proposals and he says yes or no. has also entrusted Olivier Lazar, his financial adviser and friend for forty years, to our colleagues.

See also: Patrick Bruel canceled his concert in Algeria on the advice of his grandfather!

A new project close to his heart

In addition to his investment hat, Patrick Bruel also devotes his time and money to a new company called L’Olivier de Leos (contraction of Léon and Oscar, his two sons). A skincare brand that reveals the beauty of the skin thanks to a component with 1001 virtues: olive oil… And not just any, since the brand of natural care for the body and for the face offers products based on of olive oil produced without the artist’s estate located in L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (Vaucluse).

An area that the artist intends to expand: “I launched a vast project around wine – I’m passionate about oenology and I’ve always dreamed of making wine. Here, we have the ideal terroir and we will take the time necessary. We have planted 4.5 ha of vines on the estate which will require years of work for a result, I hope, that meets our expectations. We have also installed beehives to complete the ecosystem and promote biodiversity, and we are working on an organic permaculture vegetable garden. Our goal remains the same: to create exceptional products around exceptional ingredients, with meaningful projects that aim for excellence while promoting a virtuous development model. As for skincare, the launch of body products is a first step. We are waiting for the reception of the public but we are already preparing the rest », confided the artist on his future projects in connection with the Domaine Les.


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