85 migrants arrested in Serbia



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Like every evening, 11 p.m. takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Thursday July 14th.

In Serbia, 85 migrants were arrested on Thursday July 14. A vast operation was carried out on the Hungarian border. Migrants, who cross the barbed wire of this country to cross Serbia and then reach the countries of western Europe, are at the mercy of traffickers, some of whom are armed. This massive operation was organized following a fight between migrants, which left one dead and several injured, in early July.

In Hungary, a state of energy emergency has been declared. The government is implementing savings and relaunching its coal production. Hungary also bans all energy exports, including Russian gas, which continues to supply the country. Finally, a self-portrait of the painter Vincent Van Gogh was discovered by chance, thanks to X-rays, on the back of another painting. From next month, this self-portrait will be on view in the museum where it was discovered, in Edinburgh, Scotland.

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