“8:30 p.m. on Sunday” with Pauline Déroulède and November Ultra



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“8:30 p.m. on Sunday” will regularly offer to return, with a report, to strong testimonies from personalities invited on the set of the magazine presented by Laurent Delahousse, just after the 8 p.m. news on France 2.

> 8:30 PM THE STORY : Pauline Deroulededouble French wheelchair tennis champion, French number one, had told in June 2021, on the set of “8:30 p.m. on Sunday” (replay), the terrible accident of which she had been the victim and the loss of her left leg after being hit by a driver in 2018.

A story of resilience that the magazine followed in the preparation of Pauline Déroulède for the Paralympic Games in Paris 2024, but also in the new role for which she is preparing, that of becoming a mother alongside her partner Tiphaine.

And also, a first prize for a first album

> Meeting with November Ultraa French singer and songwriter of the new generation who has just obtained, for her first album Bedroom Wallsthe Joséphine Prize whose objective is to “bring out new talents, celebrate established artists, bring the public and artists closer together, encourage diversity and curiosity”.

> Live from “8:30 p.m. on Sunday” : November Ultra performs a track from their album released in April 2022.

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), “Magazines” section.

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