“8:30 p.m. in festivals”. The “Peter Pan of the kitchen” – France 2 – 2 January 2022

Eric Guérin is a being apart in the world of gastronomy. As a teenager, he discovered with his father the Brière marshes, in Loire-Atlantique. He quickly made a promise: one day he would live in the heart of these marshes.

At the age of twenty-five, he bought a cottage there, and opened his very first restaurant. Nothing will be easy, with the lows before the highs, but always the same line, that of passion, with now the time for rewards.

Its “piafs”, its team, its producers …

The starred chef with the allure of a pirate leads his boat in his own way, with his “piafs”, his team and his producer friends who have lived together for a quarter of a century. The magazine 8:30 p.m. in holidays“(Twitter, # 20h30LD) sat at the table of what is called the “Peter Pan of the kitchen” …

An initiatory journey signed Laura Lequertier, Patrice Caillonneau and Sarah Jung.

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), “Magazines” section.


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