“80% of people who are of Muslim sensibility…”, big slippage on the set of Pascal Praud, the host forced to reframe!

After the skid of Jean-Claude Dassier, last December, in a program of CNewswhich resulted in the former president of OM, now an assiduous columnist, being removed from the air for a few days, while Arcom seized the Council of State, and is considering a sanction, on the continuous news channel from the Canal + group, we are on our toes.

“80% of people who are of Muslim sensibility” in prison?

This February 28, 2023, in the Hour of the Pros, Pascal Praud thus reframed a guest, the businessman Pierre Botton, who also made discriminating remarks about Muslims. While the Pierre Palmade affair was being discussed on the air, and the comedian’s upcoming imprisonment in Fresnes prison, the speaker explained about the remand center: “On the first and second floor, there are the newcomers. As soon as you arrive in prison, you arrive there. What are the first two questions guys ask when out for a walk? The first is ‘where are you from?’ and the second is ‘where do I have to sit to say my prayer facing Mecca?'”

>> To see also: “He is not the only one to flour his nose”: Guy Montagné defends Pierre Palmade a few hours before his trial!

And Pascal Praud to react immediately: “Does that mean, in your opinion, that there are only people of the Muslim religion in the prisons? And Pierre Botton to hammer home: “What I’m saying is that there are 80% of people who are of Muslim sensibility…“. A statistic that made mustard rise in the face of the bespectacled journalist. The white-haired man immediately replied: “it is unverifiable”.

Meanwhile, Pierre Botton insisted: “I saw it… For once, stop… We must stop saying that it is unverifiable. I saw it…”. While the outrageous words of Jean-Claude Dassier are still in people’s minds (as a reminder, he said “Muslims, they don’t give a damn about the Republic, they don’t even know what the word means“), Pascal Praud did not let it go.

“You can’t say things on a set that are not verified”

Anxious to maintain control over his morning show, he commented: “I am the moderator of this program. Arcom follows our debates, listens to our debates with precision. We cannot say things on a set that are not verified. It is your testimony and you assume it. The moderator that I am, he must say what I just said”.


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