8 warning signs that show he will break your heart!

He plays hot/cold

A man who talks to you as if you were in a relationship one day, and ignores you the next… that’s suspicious! Start asking yourself questions if it happens again, because a man who is interested in you will write to you and show his interest in you!

He gets bored easily in love

Be attentive to the reasons linked to these last ruptures! If he’s the one who usually provokes them, it’s a sign that he can easily leave a person and move on. It will be all the more a red flag if he ever tells you that he left these partners for no real reason or because he just got bored! So even if he tells you that he wants to be serious or that he wants to get married, don’t fall for the trap, at the risk of him breaking your heart.

He is impatient

If he wants to rush things and is impatient, that can mean different things. Either that says a lot about his character, he likes to have what he wants when he wants with women… and that’s not a good sign. Either he only wants to taste the pleasure of the flesh, if you are looking for a serious relationship, FLEE! A serious man who desires you, will know how to be patient and respect your expectations.

A man who doesn’t see your worth

You are intelligent, beautiful, you have principles and values… and above all expectations! You are right, you are a strong woman and you respect yourself! If you have the feeling that from the start of the relationship, he does not compliment you, does not highlight you, especially when you talk about your exploits and your successes, then this may be a sign that his ego is too strong and that he likes to be in the light. A man must compliment you at least!

“Dating” in a hurry

If he offers you walks in the park, and he doesn’t even bother to invite you for a drink, to go to a restaurant or to the cinema? It’s a sign that he is not invested, and that he is not afraid of losing you… or replacing you! Our advice? Leave before you tie up. A man who sees your value and who has just as much, will want to invite you to show you his investment and he will want to spend real moments with you!

All beautiful, all pink!

It is known, at the beginning, we all show ourselves in our best light… Except that we have no time to lose! So, do not hesitate to ask many questions and especially questions that can create debate. This will allow you to know if you agree on things that are important to you, but also to better know his person and his personality. It will also be an opportunity to see if you manage to get along when you don’t have the same opinions!

Keep an eye on his family

If you want to find someone to commit to for life, pay close attention to your “future” in-laws! Yes, when you marry a man, know that you also marry his family! So if you have the impression that the latter does not integrate you, does not appreciate you, despite your efforts and that your partner does not try or does not manage to fix the situation because he lets himself be manipulated, then it is a big red flag! A man must know how to protect you and put you first in his life, if he really wants you as his future wife.

Pay attention to family patterns

If in his family, family conflicts and divorces are numerous, try to discuss with him to better understand his vision of things. Try to see if he has properly resolved his childhood problems and wounds related to the separation of his parents, for example, because some people can reproduce what they experienced in childhood and all the more so if they have not done work on themselves.

Remember that it is better to end a relationship than to ignore the warning signs. Now you are armed to find the right partner!

Jeanette Atme Daou

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