77th day of war in Ukraine, Taha Bouhafs accused of sexual violence and new announcements before the legislative elections…

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Wednesday, May 11, 2022.

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Reading time : 1 min.

The themes

– 77th day of war in Ukraine: Zelensky in front of Sciences Po students.

– New announcements before the legislative elections: wearing a mask will disappear in transport and a bill on purchasing power: is Macron putting two loss leaders on the table?

– Taha Bouhafs targeted by an internal investigation at LFI for sexual violence: Did Mélenchon and Corbière know?

– Final Council of Ministers with Jean Castex: who will succeed him at Matignon and when? For which project?

– The True of the False on the expectation of the appointment of the tenant of Matignon : is this a record?

The guests

Elsa Freyssenet, ggreat reporter for the daily Les Echos

Marie-Virginie Klein, vscommunication advisor, founder of the agency Iconicauthor of “Women leaders, how they dared”, at Plon

Francois Reynaert,Ijournalist and writer, columnist for the Obs, author of “Roger, hero, traitor and sodomite”, published by Fayard

Patrice Moyon,vseconomic and social columnist and columnist at Ouest-France

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