“7665” by Séraphin, a sort of logbook of an intimate road trip

In “7665”, Séraphin scans each part of his brain to detect traces of these intense moments that marked his career. To do this, he could have chosen melancholy or the caress of a piano barely touched, but his language has always been that of the most energetic sonorities, those which push him, with his accomplices, to make the guitars scream and to to take apart the rhythms, to combine chic rock and surf music, to accompany the staccato of nervous drums with the subtle notes escaping from a piano or a violin, to put blues in your voice to better underline the choirs lovers who follow her.

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Never where we expect him, Séraphin traces his route freely and dances with his ghosts to arouse our curiosity and take us into his worldthe one before and the one of tomorrow, the one that we look at with a sweet nostalgia and the one that will make us vibrate without knowing how.

Looking at himself in the depths of his soul, he upsets its own landmarks and by playing down one by one the cards of a game that could be ours, projects himself into this second life which, for him, begins at the foot of these “7665” days.

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