750 agents have used the assistance system since August 2020

In the most serious cases, the police officer is supported in his request for transfer.

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The police officers victims of attacks were 750 to appeal to the support group since the establishment of the device in early August 2020, an average of 50 calls each month, Franceinfo learned from a police source on Wednesday, November 24, confirming information. from Europe 1.

In 2019, more than 50,000 acts of assault, threat, contempt or insult against police officers were recorded. Their relatives are also sometimes victims of this violence.

This assistance system consists of an e-mail address as well as a toll-free number accessible every day from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m., weekends and public holidays included. At the other end of the phone, officers from all sections of the national police answer questions and guide victims of assault in their long-term efforts. These calls range from listening and legal support to a change of domicile or transfer in the most serious cases.

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