739 people, including 60 women, arrested in the north of the country

Since the death of a young Kurdish woman arrested by the morality police for having worn the veil in an “inappropriate” way, the protest has not weakened.

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Iranian authorities have arrested 739 people, including 60 women, in the north of the country, state media reported on Saturday (September 24th). Tasnim, citing the chief of police of the province of Guilan. They are accused of taking part in protests sparked more than a week ago after the death of a young woman Kurdish arrested by the morality police.

Mahsa Amini, aged 22, was arrested on September 13 in Tehran for “wearing inappropriate clothing” by the police responsible for enforcing the strict dress code of the Islamic Republic. The young woman died three days later in hospital, and her death sparked nightly protests in major cities across Iran, including the capital Tehran.

The balance sheet of this protest is at least 35 dead on the side of the demonstrators. But the toll is likely to be much heavier, the opposition NGO Iran Human Rights (IHR), based in Oslo, reporting Friday at least 50 dead in the repression by the security forces of the demonstrations.

source site-29