7,300 spectators should be able to attend the Poitiers-Lens match in the Coupe de France at the Michel-Amand stadium

Poitiers-Lens, the poster makes football lovers dream, salivate and turn heads since the draw. After discussions on a possible relocation of the meeting, the authorities have finally validated the holding of the match at the Michel-Amand stadium in Buxerolles. The wait is real, the enthusiasm at the height of the event … If you want to attend the meeting, know that the ticket office will open this weekend.

The club will put on sale the first places on Saturday evening on the sidelines of the N3 match against Tartas at 6.30 p.m. Parallel points of sale will open early next week at three of the club’s partners (Intersports Poitiers-Sud, Horizon stock in Chasseneuil and Republic Corner zone de la République). The “physical” ticket office will initially be favored to the detriment of internet sales to prevent RC Lens supporters from monopolizing seats in the stadium.

A match that could bring 150,000 euros to the club

A total of 7,300 spectators are expected to be able to attend the match even though the Stade Poitevin “still waiting for the green light from the prefecture to mass a thousand spectators below the discovery stand“which, it will remain closed during the meeting because of cracks. It is approximately 6,000 places lost for the organizers.

For prices, count 25 euros for a seat and 10 euros for a seat on the perimeter of the field (free for children under 12 who will be standing). The doors will open on D-Day at 11:30 am. And it will be advisable to park at the exhibition center where a Vitalis shuttle will provide transfers to the stadium.

Qualification for the 32nd finals is an endowment from the federation of 50,000 euros for the Poitiers club, sum to which are added the receipts of the meeting estimated at just over 100,000 euros. A recipe supposed to be shared between the two competing teams, but it is the tradition, the professional club often gives the amateur club its share of the cake.

source site-37