720 reports recorded in October, a figure on the rise

Seven hundred and twenty reports of breaches of the principle of secularism were recorded in the 59,260 schools and secondary schools (colleges and high schools) during the month of October 2022, franceinfo learned on Wednesday November 9 via a press release from the ministry. of National Education. A figure up from September: 313 reports were then recorded. These reports – which come from schools and educational establishments – have been made public every month since the arrival of Pap Ndiaye at the Ministry of Education.

The increase in these attacks is especially visible in colleges: 52% of the incidents took place in these establishments (compared to 36% in September). In high schools, reports are – themselves – down: 37% in October against 51% in September. In the first degree (nursery and elementary schools), attacks remained fairly stable between the months of September and October: respectively 13% and 11%.

Regarding the profile of the perpetrators of these attacks, the vast majority are students: 88% (82% in September). The rest is divided between school staff (3%) or parents of students (5%). “We ask the ministry to take a firm position and help us”declares on franceinfo, Audrey Chanonat, national secretary education and pedagogy commission of the national union of management staff of National Education (SNPDEN). “As for the figures, I am wary, we have seen them evolve for ten years and they must challenge the National Education”continues Audrey Chanonat. To make things better, “we have to go through a dialogue and through education. Education must take precedence over punishment. I quite agree with our Minister of National Education when he says that we have real issues. He does not We must not let it pass. We must consider the sanctions on a case-by-case basis and taking into account the elements related to the student.”

Finally, on the nature of these attacks, they mainly concern the wearing of signs and clothing (40%). A figure that has been falling since September, when more than half of attacks (54%) concerned this reason. The strongest increase concerns verbal provocations in October (14% of attacks against 5% in September). We can also note the challenge of teaching or the refusal of republican values, two attacks on secularism on the rise. As for the Values ​​of the Republic (EAVR) academic teams, which provide the necessary help and support to educational teams to enforce the principle of secularism in schools, they received 320 requests for advice in October (221 in September). .

The heads of establishments have asked the ministry “clear texts that frame what religious dress is or is not. It is not up to the head of the establishment to be confronted with this type of discussion. We know that today that is what puts us in difficulty, the texts are not precise enough.When we have disputes from the parents, it comes from there. We must have firm support from the ministry on what is or is not a religious or ostentatious sign.insists Audrey Chanonat.

The circular relating to the Secularism Plan in schools and educational establishments will be published in the Official Bulletin on Thursday. It provides for a plan relating to secularism in primary and secondary schools, structured around four axes: systematically sanctioning the behavior of students that undermines secularism, strengthening protection and support for staff, supporting heads of institution in the event of an attack on secularism and strengthen the training of staff and in the first place that of the heads of establishments.

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