The majority had decided to open a position of co-rapporteur to the opposition. Initially approached, the rebellious Caroline Fiat was preferred to the ecologist Sébastien Peytavie.
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The special commission on the end of life will be made up of 71 deputies and will be chaired by Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, architect of the bill as minister, who has since become a Horizons deputy again, franceinfo learned on Wednesday April 10 from parliamentary sources. This special commission must meet in the afternoon to ratify the nominations.
The MoDem deputy Olivier Falorni, very involved in the issue, is entrusted with the key position of general rapporteur. Three Renaissance deputies and an environmentalist deputy are designated co-rapporteurs of the text. The co-rapporteurs of the presidential majority are the Renaissance MP for Ille-et-Vilaine Laurence Maillart-Méhaignerie, the elected representative for Côte-d’Or Didier Martin and the MP for Hérault Laurence Cristol. Finally, it is the environmentalist deputy Sébastien Peytavie who will be the fourth co-rapporteur.
LFI finally dismissed
If the majority decided to open a position to the opposition and to entrust it to the deputy of the environmentalist group, it was the Insoumise deputy Caroline Fiat who was nevertheless approached to occupy this role. According to his entourage at franceinfo, the boss of the Renaissance deputies Sylvain Maillard opposed his candidacy. The leader of the majority deputies was opposed to the idea of seeing such a position occupied by a deputy from the LFI ranks. The former caregiver still wishes to apply during the vote on Wednesday afternoon which must ratify the composition of the commission.
On the side of environmentalists, we assure that the appointment of Sébastien Peytavie follows “long-standing exchanges” between the group and the majority. “It is a very identity-related subject, the end of life, for us, and it is within the environmental group that there is the greatest homogeneity of positions, since we will support the government text”assures a parliamentary source.
The deputies will begin examining the text in the hemicycle at the end of May. It is expected that the political groups will not give instructions to their members for the examination of the bill on the end of life, which must begin on May 27 in the hemicycle after its presentation this Wednesday, April 10 in the Council of Ministers .