700 refugee high school students in France passed their national baccalaureate

Candidates had three hours to answer a MCQ of 200 questions covering the Ukrainian language, the history of their country and mathematics. We met one of these graduates near Angers.

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They are 18,000 Ukrainian schoolchildren, college and high school students to have followed their course in a French school this year. Even if the war is still raging in their country, they do not necessarily want to break with the Ukrainian school system. On Monday July 25, 700 refugee students took the equivalent of the Ukrainian baccalaureate.

This simplified tray consists of a MCQ of 200 questions. Candidates had three hours to respond. Passing this exam is a key to accessing a Ukrainian university, explains Lilia Dorundiak, the coordinator of these tests: “This exam is both the final result of studies, but also the university entrance exam. There are three tests: the Ukrainian language, the history of Ukraine and mathematics. By example, on the history of Ukraine: What was the political system of Ukraine in the 17th century?”

An exam only in Ukrainian, including for those whose mother tongue is Russian. The success rate of this Ukrainian baccalaureate is 70%. Among the lucky winners, Valery, a student at Blaise Pascal high school in Segré (Maine-et-Loire): “I’m going to enroll in the Ukrainian distance university to continue my course, but I also want to learn French and reach an intermediate level because I also plan to enroll in the French university”.

Valery will therefore follow a double course at the start of the school year: he will be a student (at a distance) in Ukraine but also at the University of Angers.

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