70-year-old man kills himself by jumping from the third floor of his apartment in Moissac

The drama took place this Tuesday morning, November 16 in Moissac in the Tarn-et-Garonne. A local resident discovers the inanimate body of a man at the foot of a small building at 7 rue Estève-Caseponce in the Sarlac district. Alerted, firefighters from the Moissac rescue center tried to revive him, in vain. The 70-year-old is said to have defenestrated from his apartment, on the third floor of the building. He would have died in his fall.

Psychiatric history

The victim’s wife was present in the apartment, but did not see her husband jump out the window.

The experts of the criminal identification of the gendarmerie of Montauban went on the spot to gather the elements allowing to confirm the hypothesis of a suicide. According to the Moissac gendarmerie, the man suffered from strong psychiatric pathologies.

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