7 tips to (finally) keep your good resolutions!

Who says New Year says good resolutions!
Eating healthier, practicing regular physical activity, quitting smoking… The goals can be many. So many that sometimes we can’t keep our commitments throughout the year!
So, how do you keep your good resolutions? Answer !

Did you know ? 85% of French people do not keep their good resolutions! (Source: Le Figaro)

1. Take stock of the past year

The month of December is ideal for taking stock of the past year and determining what we would like to improve in the year to come. Take advantage of this moment to ask yourself the right questions: am I happy at work? Do I need to eat better?
By answering all these questions, you will have in mind the things to improve during the coming year.

2. Choose attainable and achievable goals

After reviewing the past year, you can start making a list of your goals. To give your good resolutions a better chance, set yourself specific, achievable and time-scheduled goals.

3. Be motivated
Without motivation, no success! Indeed, the main thing is to be convinced of the interests of the objectives that we set for ourselves and to be really ready to change our habits. To achieve this, do not consider your objectives as constraints, but as personal challenges to be met with flying colors! Also try to make them fun and enjoyable on a daily basis, by choosing activities that you enjoy!

4. Focus on one goal at a time

It is also crucial to set one goal at a time. Because the more objectives there are at the same time, the more the constraints accumulate.

We advise you to prioritize them and to carry them out step by step, step by step: this way, you will be less impressed by the mountain of things to do and you will be able to observe your results and your constant progress more quickly.

5. Seek support from loved ones

It is essential that you talk to your loved ones about your good resolutions. Unfailing support, those around you can encourage you in achieving this goal, even if it is up to you to be an actor of change in your life.
Who knows, maybe someone you know has the same goals as you! You could support each other and give each other advice!

6. Be kind to yourself

Your motivation may drop and some times of the year may be more difficult than others.
If you can’t stick to your good resolutions, that’s okay. No need to flog yourself. Indeed, it is difficult to adopt new habits: on average, the brain takes 21 days to get used to new practices!
So don’t give up at least gap! Continue your efforts, you have all the necessary resources within you to achieve your goals.

7. Celebrate your successes!
With each step taken, congratulate and reward yourself! Because yes, you can be proud of yourself! After all, the reward can also be a source of motivation!


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