7 tips for (really) disconnecting during the holidays

Did you know ? 71% of French people respond to e-mails or work calls during their holidays (Source: Qapa survey)

Warn that you will not be reachable

Before going on leave, tell your colleagues and your usual contacts. This will prevent you from being called or texted during your stay. You can also write an automatic message of absence, taking care to give the coordinates of a colleague to contact in case of need.

Leave with a clear mind by completing all your missions

It will be much easier for you to take full advantage of your leave if there are no files to catch up on your return. Also avoid taking new files a few days before your departure.

Delegate as much as possible

Some missions are necessary for the proper functioning of your business. Do not hesitate to delegate them to trusted colleagues, who will be perfectly capable of carrying out these missions for you.

Leave professional devices at home

If you have a work computer or phone, leave it at home when you travel. In addition to lightening your luggage, you will not be disturbed during your stay.

Turn off notifications

To really enjoy the holidays, you can also disable notifications from your mailbox and work email on your mobile phone.

Choose a destination that cuts you off from everyday life

To do a real digital detox, you can choose an exotic destination, where you will not be tempted to consult your phone. If you stay at home, bet on an activity that you like, or discover new occupations!

Not arranging meetings or appointments upon your return

For a smooth return, don’t set up meetings or dates right away. You will be less stressed during your vacation.


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