• Little Secret is an intuitive board game of bluffing, imagination and word association. Ideal for evenings with friends or family! Designed by the creators of the games JUDUKU, Judukids, Osmooz, Sans Pitié and Pigeon Pigeon, this game won the 2022 Granx Toy Prize in the “Board Games” category.
The goal of the game is simple: to unmask the intruders who have infiltrated the Secret Society. You will have to give clues to a password provided by the Grand Master, justify yourself and unmask the infiltrators and the journalist present… This game which can bring together between 3 and 9 players is made in Europe & ECOFRIENDLY: eco-responsible paper and a % of profits are donated to charities.
Family board game – LITTLE SECRET – €22.99: BUY ONLINE (delivery guaranteed before Christmas)
• Discover the Olémains game, the mobile version of which is the most downloaded and played mobile game in France! More than 5 million players have already discovered the application and the marketing of the physical game has also been a real success with the French.
The principle is simple: the players are divided into teams and compete on different themes. A new “guesser” is then designated for each different game and the latter must guess the most words in 1 minute after putting a card on his forehead. The members of his team must then describe, mime, sing the words that appear to make them guess…

Family board game – OLEMAINS – €26.99: BUY ONLINE (delivery guaranteed before Christmas)
• For young and old, for mothers and fathers. The best board game, where two teams, children and parents compete and answer many questions, which relate to everyday life. An ideal board game for the end of the year celebrations since whole families love the charades on offer and spend hours playing them. Ideal for spending time together and learning unknown and surprising things about each other! The first team to reach the finish line wins!

Children VS Parents board game – €17.99: BUY ONLINE (delivery guaranteed before Christmas)
• Find the famous game that made the buzz on Aziz Aboudrar’s YouTube channel! Try to stay as serious as possible during this battle of rotten jokes to win the game where two teams compete! If you laugh, you give points to the opposing team. Beware of constraints and pledges, which will spice up the game! Can you keep your seriousness? Laughter guaranteed! Contents of the box: 300 joke cards, 48 constraint cards, 48 pledge cards, 1 game rule.

Board game for adults and teenagers You Laugh You Lose! – €24.50: BUY ONLINE (guaranteed delivery before Christmas)
• A crazy game for the whole family! Get ready to toss, catch, stack, flip, catapult, roll, jump and blast to come out on top in the world’s craziest party game! Accumulate as many points as possible by betting on your ability to succeed in a series of unusual challenges that will put your skills to the test! On the menu: 160 hilarious challenges for all players to complete, so get ready to engage in a fantastic battle that will crown the most skilled player! With its wide variety of fun and wacky challenges, this board game will entertain children (from 9 years old) and adults alike! From 2 to 8 players, with family or friends, embark on a crazy game!

Crazy board game Beat That! – €29.90: BUY ONLINE (guaranteed delivery before Christmas)
Elizabeth Sall