6th Full(s) Screen(s) festival | The Grand Prize for the film L’Abat by Olivier Côté

The Grand Prix of the sixth edition of the Plein(s) Ecran(s) festival was awarded on Saturday to the short film The Offal by Olivier Côté. This film had just been selected as the closing film of the event.

Posted at 9:00 p.m.

Andre Duchesne

Andre Duchesne
The Press

The Offal tells the story of Jules, a 17-year-old young man who, to impress a group of revelers, opens the family bowling alley to them. But the party gets out of hand and while trying to follow the parade, Jules loses control of the group.

The Full(s) Screen(s)/Post-Modern Grand Prize allows Mr. Côté to win a $1,000 grant as well as $10,000 in equipment rental and post-production services.

The jury’s favorite prize offered by Grandé Caméra Éclairage Studio went to love me by Romane Garant-Chartrand, with a mention to Fragments by Aline Sitoé-N’Diaye.

Several other prizes were awarded, including the Audience/Spira Prize, which goes to Aniksha by Vincent Toi.

All the winning films can be seen for free on Sunday on the Facebook page of Plein(s) Ecran(s) and the pleinsecrans.com website.

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