66,000 people received a first dose of vaccine on Wednesday, a record since October 1

The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, wants to see there a link with the controversial remarks of Emmanuel Macron on the unvaccinated.

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A total of 66,000 people received, Wednesday, January 5, a first dose of vaccine, a record since October 1, welcomed the Minister of Health to the National Assembly. Should this be linked to the debates on the vaccine pass and the controversial words of Emmanuel Macron ? “The unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And so we will continue to do it, until the end”, said thehe head of state in an interview with Parisian

Olivier Véran, in any case, wants to believe it: “66,000 of our fellow citizens who were not vaccinated, decided today, and I do not believe in luck, to receive the first injection of vaccine (…) If we did this for 70 or 75 days we would have complete protection of the French population with regard to serious forms “, affirmed the minister in front of the deputies, on the occasion of the debate on the bill instituting this vaccine pass.

Some five million French people have not received an injection against Covid-19, of which about a fifth are considered to be populations at risk. A total of 53 million people received at least one dose, or 79% of the population. This represents approximately 91.4% of the eligible population (estimated at 58 million people).

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