65,000 teachers in Montreal and elsewhere | The FAE on indefinite general strike from November 23

(Quebec) The 65,000 teachers of the Autonomous Education Federation (FAE) will launch an indefinite general strike starting November 23. Unless there is an agreement with the government by then, but the gap is significant.

The union confirmed the information to The Press Thursday following a vote by its sixty delegates gathered in an assembly.

The FAE had already obtained the mandate of its members in favor of the strike; union delegates set the trigger date.

FAE teachers work in twelve school service centers, including those in Montreal, Laval and the Capital.

For its part, the union common front announced last week that its 420,000 members will be on strike for one day, on November 6. Its mandate provides for the ultimate resort to an indefinite general strike. The common front brings together the CSN, the FTQ, the CSQ and the APTS.

The 80,000 nurses and other workers of the Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec (FIQ) will walk off the job on November 8 and 9.

All the unions considered the new offer from the Legault government presented on Sunday to be derisory.

The president of the Treasury Board, Sonia LeBel, has put on the table salary increases of 10.3% in five years for the 600,000 state employees, in addition to bonuses representing 3% for certain categories of workers and a lump sum for everyone of $1000 the first year.

The FAE is asking for salary increases of 12% over three years, in addition to an increase of approximately 8% during this period to catch up with the Canadian average.

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