“64,000 children” aged 5 to 11 have vaccinated “since the start of the campaign”, according to the government

This digit “includes fragile children” whose vaccination has been open since December 15, said the secretary of state for child welfare in an interview with the Huffington Post.

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“We are in the period of the holidays, the celebrations, there is a rise in power and it will accelerate again at the start of the school year”, assures Adrien Taquet. In total, “64,000 children” aged 5 to 11 have been vaccinated against Covid-19 “since the start of the campaign”, announced the Secretary of State for Child Protection, dn an interview with the Huffington Post, published Thursday, December 30.

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This digit “includes fragile children” from 5 to 11 years old, whose vaccination has been open since December 15. The campaign was then generalized on December 22 to the whole of this age group. “Last week, there were 15,000 appointments made”, added the minister.

With the variant “Omicron even more than before”, LThe Secretary of State insists on direct individual benefit “ immunization of children, because it “reduces their chances of catching this virus and contracting a severe form of it”. “Vaccination will reduce class closures, school closures, breaks in schooling”, he says.

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