613 days after the start of the conflict


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1 minute

War in Ukraine: 613 days after the start of the conflict

War in Ukraine: 613 days after the start of the conflict – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – M. Khiat, V. Lucas, P. Gueny

France Televisions

The war in Ukraine is on its 613th day. War Journal takes stock of the still tense situation between kyiv (Ukraine) and Moscow (Russia).

On Monday, October 30, Ukraine experienced the 613th day of war against Russia. “One of the important images of the last hours comes from Donbass, where journalists from Estonian television were able to follow a group of Ukrainian artillerymen (…) there are significant losses among the Russians according to the Ukrainian general staff”specifies Madjid Khiat, duplex from Ukraine.

“November and December will be two crucial months for Ukraine”

The sentence to remember is that of the Ukrainian president. Volodymyr Zelensky says: “November and December will be two crucial months for Ukraine.” He spoke in front of representatives from 60 countries. Ukraine’s president supports a peace plan, which would involve Russia withdrawing its troops from internationally recognized borders.

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