600 Scopelec employees gathered for a General Assembly in Labège determined to save their jobs

In more than 25 years, “we had never seen so many employees at a general meeting at Scopelec”, 600 employee-members, members of the supervisory board and the management of Scopelec met this Thursday in Labège, south-east of Toulouse. The largest Scop in France, based in Sorrèze in the Tarn, is threatened. The number one subcontractor of the operator Orange, which employs 3,600 people in France, including 500 in Occitania, has lost two historic contracts with the operator, i.e. 75% of its activity, and nearly 2,000 employees could find themselves out of work in several regions, including Occitania, as of March 31.

The appointment at the Ministry of the Economy gives birth to a mouse

The last operator Orange’s tender was won by cheaper competitors such as Scopelec, Solutions 30, Sogestrel or even Spie. Scopelec staff representatives had an appointment this Wednesday in Paris, at the Ministry of the Economy, “we met the secretary of the minister Bruno Lemaire but there is no progress“, says Frédéric Mazars, the company’s FO delegate.

The State is discussing with Orange and our management. See you again on March 9 by videoconference. We have the impression that nothing is changing, yet the State owns 23% of Orange, if it wanted to, it could weigh in and support us more. We’ll see on March 9, but if things don’t move forward, we’ll go to Paris to be heard with our nacelles – Frédéric Mazars of the CSE of Scopelec

A contract is guaranteed to date in Occitania, “but it only concerns about 60 jobs. It is a line maintenance contract in the event of a storm or climatic event.”

The competition wants to poach the Scopelecs

Several employees, present at the general meeting this Thursday, tell France Bleu Occitanie that they have been marketed by their competitors.I received an offer, but I will not leave on any condition, at any price and anywhere“says Sylvain. The employees, many of whom are also members of Scopelec, do not want to sell off their know-how. “We are offered contracts but for how long, we don’t know, and sometimes we have to move with our family. We would like Scopelec to recover and win new tenders“.

But time is running out and some employees confide that the commercial management should perhaps have canvassed customers other than Orange and respond to other tenders sooner,”it’s too risky in today’s business world to rely on just one customer.”

If there are no departures, the Scop will be weakened

The direction of the SCOP tries to negotiate with the new service providers of Orange contract transfers. Late-come employees could be encouraged to leave for competitorsotherwise it will be necessary to push everyone to resign, with losses and noise and the company will then be weakened“says Eric who attended the general meeting. We have shares in Scopelec and significant seniority for some of us“adds this member employee who could lose 9000 euros of investment by resigning.

The Tarn department supports Scopelec and could, according to Frédéric Mazars of FO, entrusted missions to the company to equip municipalities with fiber in the department.

Scopelec employees leaving the general meeting on Thursday evening © Radio France
Marion Chantreau

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