It is an event that marked the history of the Beatles. 60 years ago, the group played for the first time in France at the Cyrano in Versailles. The concert was replayed identically in the same place by the group “The Bootleg Beatles”. Lookalikes larger than life.
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They look exactly like the four Liverpool prodigies, the costumes, the hairstyle, everything is there. It is January 15, 2024, backstage at the Cyrano in Versailles, in the same place where 60 years earlier the Beatles (the real ones) gave their first concert in France. THE Bootleg Beatlesnth “tribute band” whose specialty is to cover identical songs from the most popular group in the history of rock, are preparing to take the same stage as their elders.
The Cyrano, antechamber of the Olympia
“It’s the Beatles anniversary concertexplains Steve White, aka Paul McCartney. 60 years ago they played here for the first time. It’s an honor for us to play this event again.” “We have to be impeccable, completely, otherwise the fans will call us trash,” outbids another member of the group.
the Bootleg Beatles in Versailles, 60 years after the Beatles’ first concert in France
the Bootleg Beatles in Versailles, 60 years after the Beatles’ first concert in France – (France 3 Paris-Ile-de-France)
And yes, a little pressure. Because on January 15, 1964 the Beatles played for the first time in France in this hall which became a cinema. At the time, the Cyrano was the antechamber of the Olympia. The historic director of the Olympia Bruno Coquatrix organizes “the seamstresses”, general rehearsals the evening before in real conditions and in public. The exercise allows artists to practice before playing on the famous Parisian stage on Boulevard des Capucines.
For the Versailles public, the Bootlegs are not the Beatles but they look like them. In the pit and on the seats, many spectators may have salt-and-pepper hair, but they are swinging and grooving like the first day. “A crazy atmosphere this evening, says an early fan, almost voiceless. I have more voice from singing!” “We only want to go on stage and dance with,“ enthuses another admirer sitting in the front row.
Honestly, it’s incredible, we’re amazed.
a spectator of the Bootleg Beatles
In 44 years of existence, the Bootleg Beatles have become a real reference. More than 4500 concerts around the world. A wonderful adventure. “We are very attentive to the smallest detail, testifies Niel Harrison, one of the founders of the group. The look, the sound and the arrangements, everything has to be the way they did it.”
The Bootleg Beatles will be at Salle Pleyel in Paris on March 10 and then on tour throughout France until March 31, 2024.