“6 years of broken promises…”

They were never reconciled, and there is certainly no time for appeasement. Six years after the death of Johnny Hallyday, the two clans which oppose Laura and David on the one hand, and Laeticia, Jade and Joy on the other, are still at loggerheads, and continue to clash through the media. After the interview given by Jade and Joy to Audrey Crespo-Mara in Seven to Eight Sunday December 10, 2023, and during which they revealed no longer have any contact with their half-brother and sistertheir mother is the guest this Saturday, December 16 of C the weeklythe show hosted by Aurélie Casse on France 5.

Come to promote the exhibition she is offering in Marnes-la-Coquette from December 22, 2023 and dedicated to Taulier who died at the age of 74 from lung cancer, Laeticia Hallyday was inevitably questioned about the links she maintains today with her two stepchildren, born from unions that her late husband had with Sylvie Vartan for the first, and Nathalie Baye for the second. But unfortunately, after six years of media and legal conflicts, the time has not come for reconciliation, and Laeticia does not seem inclined to forgive the two elders from her husband for the harm they caused to her and to their two half-sisters.

He shows them his love, they don’t want it

However, in his memoirs Best album published a few weeks ago by Editions du Cherche-Midi, David Hallyday had very strong words about his two little sistersensuring that we love them despite the distance and conflicts: “I would like them to be sure of the love I have for them, and which is not an affection of principle. My door is open to them, if one day they want it, I will be there for them. The children will not are not responsible for the actions of their parents, Jade and Joy are my full sisters, without the slightest nuance. Very beautiful words, which Laeticia qualified on the set of Aurélie Casse, arguing that David Hallyday had no longer given any sign of life to his two little sisters since the disappearance of their father Johnny.

“It’s very touching to hear him say it, because we haven’t heard from him for six years. The girls, Jade and Joy, are suffering a lot. Six years without news. Six years of broken promises. Six years of silence, of abandonment, it’s difficult. So, you can say things on TV sets, but not being responsible for your actions in life is a bit hard.” blamed Laeticia Hallyday, visibly moved by evoking this distance and these tensions that the Hallyday clan has never been able to repair, even six years after the death of the French’s favorite rocker.

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