$ 6 million more to prevent violence against Indigenous women

(Montreal) 6 million more will go to projects to prevent sexual violence and domestic and family violence in indigenous communities, the Quebec government announced Thursday.

Clara Descurninges
The Canadian Press

“We received a total of 61 projects” in response to a call for intentions launched on August 25, explained the Minister responsible for the Status of Women, Isabelle Charest, at a press conference in Montreal.

She was delighted with this great mobilization, and wished “to allow the financing of as many projects as possible”.

With this new amount, the total envelope more than doubles, reaching 11.4 million.

The proposed projects will be made “by and for the Aboriginals”, added the Minister responsible for Native Affairs, Ian Lafrenière, who “wants these projects to be well adapted” to the needs. Among them, “about 50% are in Aboriginal areas, and 50% in urban areas”, where the realities may be very different.

“Today’s announcement is excellent news for the Quebec Native Women Association to ensure the well-being and safety of Native women and girls, whether they are in urban areas or in Native communities” , declared the president of the organization, Marjolaine Étienne, during the conference.

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