6 hot topics with the owner

Beyond the dismissals of Marc Bergevin and Trevor Timmins or the arrival of Jeff Gorton in a new role of executive vice-president of hockey operations, the owner and president of the Canadiens, Geoff Molson, discussed several other topics during the a 60-minute press conference on Monday. The newspaper offers you an overview of the main topics covered.

High choices wasted

Marc Bergevin ended a reign of almost 10 years as CEO of CH. For Trevor Timmins, it was the end of a chapter of almost 20 years. For the past few years, Timmins had a very long title, but he was essentially the director of amateur recruiting. In simpler words, the Ontarian was acting as the draft guru. Molson explained his dismissal at the same time as that of Bergevin.

“Again, it’s part of the new start,” said the owner. It takes time. Before I show up today [lundi], it was up to Marc to choose his fate. Marc is no longer there. We have started changes. Trevor had been there since 2003, he worked hard for the CH. He has pulled off both good and bad. I appreciate him very much as a person. I know he will do well elsewhere. “

“For the new start, it was important to make this decision. Over the past few years we’ve had three picks in the top 10 [Alex Galchenyuk au troisième rang en 2012, Mikhaïl Sergachev au neuvième rang en 2016, Jesperi Kotkaniemi au troisième rang en 2018). Deux fois, on a repêché au troisième échelon. Il n’y a plus un seul joueur parmi eux dans notre équipe. C’est essentiel de réussir quand on a la chance d’avoir un gros choix [top pick]. “

Without a name mentioned, it can be read between the lines that the recent choice of Jesperi Kotkaniemi probably spelled the end for Timmins.

Asked about the controversial choice of defender Logan Mailloux with the 31e Speaking from the first round to the last draft, Molson refused to talk about this selection as a main reason for the departure of Timmins.

” Not at all. There are several reasons. I will not go into details. This situation has brought me to a better place in the future. Under the direction of Geneviève Paquette, we are developing a consent program to make young people aware of the risks. We think we can turn a difficult situation into a positive one. It’s in the past. I have already spoken about our selection. We’re going to do well in the community, we want to make better decisions. “

The word “reconstruction”

In New York, Jeff Gorton orchestrated the rebuilding of the Rangers. In February 2018, the “Blue Shirts” even sent a letter to their supporters to explain their direction. In Montreal, could the CH embark on an era of reconstruction? The owner did not completely close the door.

“I will answer differently. I just hired Gorton on a long-term contract, Molson recalled. I can’t wait to find a GM. It will be up to them to come and discuss their vision. Will they want to accomplish a reconstruction, a reset [réinitialisation] ? I can’t wait to talk about it, but it’s still too early to decide. “

“There is nothing that scares me. I want to win. Everything is possible. I am not afraid of making a difficult decision for the good of the organization. “

Gorton will settle in Montreal

At one time, Pierre Gauthier held the seat of general manager of the Canadiens, but he preferred to live in Burlington, Vermont. Jeff Gorton, the new executive vice-president of hockey operations, will not follow in Mr. Gauthier’s footsteps. Gorton will be moving to Montreal in the next few days.

“He will fill his car with his personal needs and he will be coming very soon,” Molson said. We have already found him an apartment to live in Montreal. Jeff has a family. However, he will let his children finish their school year and he will settle down with the whole family from next year. “

A long silence explained

Geoff Molson hadn’t spoken publicly in moons. The owner and president of the CH was criticized for his silence in the Marc Bergevin file, who found himself in the last year of his contract in the headquarters of DG.

“You’ve known me since 2009. I don’t think there was a time when I went out publicly to talk about the performance of the team. That is the role of the CEO. Our GM often went out. I hadn’t made the decision on Marc until last week. It didn’t make any sense to come out and say I didn’t make a decision. When I appear in front of the media, I have things to say. I had to wait. “

Ducharme will remain

The sweep that struck Bergevin and Timmins should not affect the coaches. Asked about the fate of Dominique Ducharme, Molson offered him a vote of confidence. It wasn’t the most massive vote, but still.

“I don’t make the decisions for the coaches. I have not yet discussed this topic with them [Gorton et le futur DG]. As far as I’m concerned, it [Ducharme] is our coach and it will stay there. “

The importance of bilingualism

Originally from Massachusetts, Jeff Gorton does not speak French. But the next Canadian general manager will be bilingual. Molson reiterated the importance of focusing on hockey men who can speak both languages.

“We live in the province of Quebec and French dominates. It is important to speak to our supporters in French. Bilingualism is important. We must have bilingual people. We have to respect our market, it’s unique. And we must also speak in English for our English speaking supporters in Quebec and Canada as well as elsewhere in the world. “

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