5th “Piano at the Würth Museum” Festival in Erstein

The program of this 5th edition of the festival Piano at the Würth Museum is built in the footsteps of the new Würth museum exhibition: _Bestia. The animals in the Würth collection. _What to make you purr with the pleasure found in indoor concerts.

This theme of animals will be the occasion to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the death of Camille Saint-Saëns, through an interpretation of his Animal carnival by the entire Strasbourg conservatory.

After the festival, you can still discover the exhibition Bestĭa. The animals in the Würth collection, which brought together works of art from the Würth collection and specimens from the Strasbourg Zoological Museum. Indeed, this meeting between an art collection and a scientific collection, between a private museum and a public institution will be visible from November 7, 2021 to September 7, 2022.

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