$58,000 for the family of Pierre Coriolan

The family of Pierre Coriolan, who died under the bullets of Montreal police during a muscular intervention in 2017, received the sum of $ 58,000 following an agreement reached with the City earlier this week.

“The two parties reached an agreement and the plaintiffs received the authorized sum of $58,000. Please note that, out of respect for the legal process, the City of Montreal will not be making any further comments to this effect”, indicated by email to the To have to municipal authorities.

Mr. Coriolan’s family had announced an out-of-court settlement on Wednesday, but details of the settlement were not disclosed. The 58-year-old man’s two sisters, Yolande Antoine and Lizaline Coriolan, sued the City for a total sum of $163,426 in compensatory, pecuniary and punitive damages.

The Montrealer had been hit by three bullets during a police intervention on the evening of June 27, 2017. Six officers had intervened in his apartment following a call to the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) because that he was in psychological distress and was destroying his entire home. He held a knife and a screwdriver in his hands. The operation lasted nearly five minutes.

In an investigation published last year, coroner Luc Malouin concluded that the police had used “outdated and in no way updated” methods. His report, which contains 16 recommendations, proposed in particular to impose annual training on the police on interventions with people in crisis and to favor an approach of de-escalation of tensions.

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