55 CCTV cameras arrive in the northern districts of Marseille

The mayor of Marseille and the prefect of police of Bouches-du-Rhône announce this Wednesday from the Urban Supervision Center, the upcoming installation of 55 new cameras “mainly in the northern districts”, including the 3rd arrondissement. This is the first part of 500 cameras promised by Emmanuel Macron
during the “Marseille en grand” plan in September 2021.

Cameras near schools, nurseries and major urban axes

Half of this video protection will be positioned close to schools and kindergartens, the other half on the major axes. The actual commissioning of the 55 cameras is not specified. But it will probably take several weeks or even months, because installing a video protection camera requires fiber, which is still very underdeveloped in the northern districts of Marseille.

Direct access to images for the national police: a first in France

Another announcement made by Frédérique Camilleri, “all the police departments of Marseille will have direct, independent access to the cameras”which is unpublished in France according to the police chief of Bouches-des-Rhône. “It will allow police officers to reread the images, to develop their investigations without having to call the municipal police officers to ask them to do the work for them. It will relieve the municipal police officers at the CSU and it will allow it’s up to us to be more autonomous in the investigations and to have a live vision of the public highway. They will be much more efficient and they will be able to project themselves more easily on certain points”.

The cost of installing the 55 cameras, just over 2 million eurosis 80% supported by the State (1.7 million euros), the rest by the city.

source site-38