54% of French people consider their work to be a constraint according to the FIFG

More than one in three French people is affected by “quiet quitting”, in other words: “silent resignation”. Of the more than 2,000 people interviewed by theFIFG
for this study published this Thursday on the Makers
, 37% say they only do the union minimum required at work. No overtime, no personal investment.

This attitude concerns mainly younger generations. They are also seen as “less hardworking” than their elders. Nearly three-quarters of French people think so, including the main concerned since 71% of 25-34 year olds agree.

Work only to earn money

But it’s not just young people who take on this disinterest in work. 45% of people surveyed say they get up in the morning only for the salary, and 58% of French people would willing to stop working if they earned equal income doing nothing. By comparison, in 1993, a third of them indicated that money was their main motivation.

No doubt because the French are more and more likely to feel “losers” now. According to the study, only 13% of employees consider that they benefit from their involvement in their company.

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