53 illegal immigrants killed in truck crash

The accident took place in the state of Chiapas, the gateway for migrants from Central America in the hope of reaching the United States.

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It is a human drama with a particularly heavy toll. At least 53 irregular migrants, mostly from Guatemala, were killed Thursday, December 9 in a truck accident in southern Mexico, a country more than ever caught between migratory pressure from its poor neighbors and the firmness of states -United.

The accident took place near Tuxtla Gutierrez, not far from the border. The migrants were crammed into the trailer of a truck, according to initial explanations from Civil Protection. Witnesses said the truck crashed into a wall at full speed and overturned.

“There were a lot of people on the ground, some were already dead. We did what we could to help the rescuers save those who were still showing signs of life.”, said a witness.

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