523,199 high school students expected for the first specialty tests, after two years disrupted by the Covid

In 2020, Due to the pandemic, the events had been cancelled. Last year, the continuous assessment had still represented the main part of the final mark of the examination.

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Let’s go for the 2022 baccalaureate. For the first time, the written specialty tests are held, depending on the subjects, from Wednesday May 11 to Thursday May 13 in mainland France, Reunion, Antilles-Guyana, and from May 18 to 20 for Mayotte. “Depending on the specialty, these tests are supplemented by oral tests or evaluation of experimental skills., specifies the Ministry of National Education. Candidates from the French education network abroad will compose on these same dates for this session.

Among the most chosen specialties, Mathematics, in the lead, will bring together 142,730 candidates, against 136,466 in Economics and Social Sciences (SES) or 106,994 in History-Geography, Geopolitics and Political Science (HGGSP). According to a press release from the Ministry of National Education, 523,199 candidates are expected to take the tests (including 7,762 independent candidates), with 381,221 candidates for the general route and 141,978 candidates for the technological route. Just over 45,000 proofreaders will be mobilised.

The specialty tests, born of the baccalaureate reform decided by Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer, never yet organized, have been postponed for two months. They are therefore not taken into account in Parcoursup, the higher education admissions platform, and therefore in the files examined by the establishments to which future graduates have applied. Instead, the files will indicate the averages of specialties over the three terms of Première and the first two of Terminale. Contrary to what was initially planned, students will know their marks for these tests at the same time as the rest of their baccalaureate results, at the beginning of July.

In 2020, high school students in Terminale had obtained, or not, their baccalaureate on the basis of their grades in continuous assessment. Due to the pandemic, the events had been cancelled. In 2021, continuous assessment still accounted for the bulk of the final exam grade. Philosophy had been the only written test, with French in Première.

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