500 police officers deployed in Paris this summer


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

R. Michelot, L. Vogel, JM. Giovanangeli, C. Diouf – franceinfo

France Televisions

An important security system will be put in place in the capital this summer in order to fight in particular against petty crime.

A few meters from the Eiffel Tower (Paris), a mobile station has just been installed. The stated objective is to fight against petty crime, such as purse robbery. This important police presence more or less convinces tourists. “We feel safer”says a woman. “I travel a lot, I’ve never had a problem in Paris”, says another tourist. Throughout the summer of 2023, 500 police officers will be deployed in the capital.

A dress rehearsal before the 2024 Olympics

For the government, it is an XL device as a dress rehearsal, one year from the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. “It’s more police throughout this summer, which goes until the end of October for us since there is the Rugby World Cup, with a lot of presence”, explains Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior. From this year, the tourist record in greater Paris could be beaten. In 2019, they were more than 37 million.

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