50 local personalities call to participate in the consultation on the exit of Alsace from the Grand-Est

Arsène Wenger, the former Miss France Delphine Wespiser are part of the fifty personalities to call to participate in the citizen consultation launched on December 20, 2021 by the European Community of Alsace with this question: Lshould Alsace leave the Great East to become a region in its own right again?

“This is a first attempt at direct democracy “Swiss style” which should be followed by several others if this consultation is successful. This is why this consultation deserves our interest.t specifies the call, relayed on the alsace.news.fr website.

We are not politicians. We belong to the world of arts, culture and entertainment in Alsace. And we do not want to give voting instructions to our fellow citizens. We just want to tell them: do like us, give your opinion, participate in this citizen consultation and vote according to your heart! can we still read in this call.

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