Doing the dishes, tidying up your desk, sending a letter… We all tend to postpone certain restrictive tasks. But sometimes, by dint of putting everything off until tomorrow, we tend to be taken aback and to do everything in a rush, or even worse, exceed the established deadlines.
To avoid procrastinating, here are some tips to apply so as not to be overcome!
Make a to-do list
By making a to-do list, you will have a better overview of all the tasks that need to be done. Once this list is established, prioritize the tasks, according to the different deadlinesand estimate the time it will take to complete them.
Once this to-do list is finished or well started, don’t hesitate to reward yourself! Shopping, outings, restaurants, sport… All means are good to have fun!
Start with the tasks that require the most time
You have several things to do and they are all important? Start with the tasks that require the most time, those that are often the most complex. Thus, once this part is completed, it will be much easier for you to complete the other missions, which require less attention and energy!
Do heavy tasks in the morning
It is easier to perform demanding tasks in the morning, when you are still fresh and available. Indeed, after a good night’s sleep, our brain is much more efficient than at the end of the day, when stress or fatigue are on their way.
Before sleeping, organize your day
In order to better prepare yourself and not be stressed by possible unforeseen events, organize your day the day before. This technique allows you to have your schedule for the day in mind, with your objectives and constraints. Also take stock of the day that has just passed: have all the missions been completed? If the answer is no, reschedule your missions for the next day, based on current priorities.
Avoid all forms of distraction
When you are at home, it can sometimes be very tempting to watch a series or consult your social networks. Yet, it can turn out to be a waste of time and focus. To overcome this problem, sit at your desk and keep your mobile phone away. If you work on your computer, disable notifications related to your personal messaging. This way, you will avoid being disturbed! In addition, take regular breaks (10-15 mins), approximately every two hours: this will allow you to really breathe and rest your mind, before leaving peaceful and more productive!