5 things to know about his new political show

1- Faced with Baba, it lasts:
Cyril Hanouna invited Marine Le Pen, this March 16. The show was watched by 1.42 million viewers (8.9% PDA). They were 1.84 million for Jean-Luc Mélenchon at the end of January and more than two million for Éric Zemmour in December 2021. In addition Valérie Pécresse still has to pass a header on C8, after canceling her visit last February.

2- Something new:
On March 17, on Jean-Marc Morandini’s show, Cyril Hanouna explained that he wanted to change the formula in future issues. On CNews, he assured: “We will perhaps do one next week with all the candidates who have not yet done it. They will follow one another. We would call it ‘Faced with Baba, the matches’. There will be different matches“, Between “small candidates”.

>> See also: Cyril Hanouna: this couple rumor that forces its columnist April Benayoum to break the silence

3- A particular context:
Meetings which will take place while the speaking time will evolve in the coming days with perfect equality between the 12 candidates for the Elysée.

4- The specific Macron case:
A few days ago, Baba confessed in the columns of the Parisian: “We would all like to host a debate with Macron against the other candidates, but no one can do it. And that is understandable. Macron would have too many blows to take“. This Thursday, he announces: “We proposed to outgoing President Emmanuel Macron to come and see us

5- Left and right separated?
Cyril Hanouna, who no longer believes in the format where “the candidates are lined up, like in a casting” otherwise would like “organize an evening with only candidates from the right, from Éric Zemmour to Nicolas Dupont-Aignan. And another with those on the left, to find out if Jean-Luc Mélenchon really stands out“as he explained on a daily basis.


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