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On February 15, without a reminder, those who received a second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine more than four months ago will lose their vaccine pass. If some have made an appointment for the third dose, more than 5,000 French people would be waiting.
As of January 31, 7.1 million people have not taken their booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. From February 15, they risk losing their vaccination pass. However, 900,000 vaccination slots have already been reserved before the deadline and the Ministry of Health estimates that 800,000 French people will be infected and therefore cannot be vaccinated before this. In total, 5.4 million people are therefore at risk of losing their pass in the coming weeks.
In the vaccination center of Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis), there is no fear of a rush before February 15, but, in case, the device can be arranged. Among the latecomers, there are, according to doctors, patients confused by the frequent changes in health rules. From February 15, those who were infected before having done their recall will have to do so four months after their infection, and no longer six, in order not to lose their pass.
Directorate General of Health.
Ministry of Solidarity and Health
The echoes
Professor Gilles Pialoux is head of the infectious diseases department at the Tenon hospital (AP-HP) in Paris (20th). He is also a member of the Spilf (French-language infectious pathology society), the PandemIA collective and the health center of Terra Nova.
Non-exhaustive list.