5 good reasons to play sports in winter

Did you know ? The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends practicing 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate-intensity activity or 1.15 to 2.5 hours of sustained-intensity activity each week.

The 5 benefits of sport in winter on our health

  • Strengthen your immune system

In winter, our body is more susceptible to various viruses, infections and diseases. To deal with it, sport is an excellent natural method to strengthen and develop our immune defenses, by increasing the number of white blood cells. In addition, it allows you to detoxify and sleep better at night!

  • Burn more calories and fat

In cold weather, playing sports outdoors burns more calories and fat. The body, which needs to warm up, engages ” a physiological process that results in additional natural energy expenditure ” according to the sports educator and mental trainer Adams Soulaimane contacted by Doctissimo.

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  • Relieve joint pain that occurs in winter

Very low temperatures can trigger joint pain in many people. Sport can relieve them because the body in action secretes endorphins, analgesic hormones capable of reducing and relieving joint pain.
In addition, stopping sport suddenly in winter makes the muscles much less robust, which can increase musculoskeletal pain in the long term.

Faced with the cold, the heart must increase its capacities, which makes it more muscular and tones it. Thus, practicing sport in winter reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease. According to a study by the journal “National Library of Medicine”, a 30-minute walk could reduce up to 19% the risk of heart disease.

But beware, it is still preferable to train indoors when the temperatures are negative, especially when you suffer from heart conditions because the cold can aggravate pre-existing problems, or even cause medical concern. It is therefore necessary for people at risk to consult a general practitioner or cardiologist before playing sports in winter.

  • Take a vitamin D cure

Practicing a sport in winter can fill up with vitamin D, which strengthens bones and strengthens muscle mass. By exposing itself to daylight, the body can synthesize vitamin D and get a breath of fresh air, even in winter! Remember to protect yourself from the sun’s rays if you are exposed for more than 15 minutes.

In addition, it is also a real ally against winter depression, tension and negative thoughts. Because when we practice physical activity, our brain secretes dopamine, the hormone of happiness.

What sports practiced?
As a general rule, most sports can also be practiced in winter. If you don’t have a favorite sport, take the opportunity to discover new activities such as ice skating, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing or Nordic walking!

Little Tips:
• Continue to stay hydrated even if you feel like you’re sweating less;
• Remember to cover yourself well and to equip yourself according to the sport practiced;
• Don’t forget to warm up for at least 15 to 20 minutes when the thermometer drops below zero.


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