During high-profile criminal investigations, it very often happens that investigators receive solicitations from mediums claiming to be able to help them in their research thanks to their dreams, visions or their “sixth sense”.
Although the effectiveness of psychics in legal cases is often questioned, sometimes these visions are verified and unofficial collaborations arise between psychics and investigators, often at an impasse. Disappearances, kidnappings, murders… many of them have actually been elucidated by mediums, with extraordinary gifts of clairvoyance.
France Dimanche thus invites you to come back to 5 legal cases which were resolved by psychic detectives.
Did you know ? Information generated by psychics is inadmissible in court.
A very revealing flash
Mélanie Uribe was a 30-year-old nurse and mother living in California. On the evening of December 15, 1980, Mélanie had to perform night duty at the hospital. But Mélanie never arrived, giving no news. His employers then decide to sound the alarm. The next day, her car was found burnt out, with her nurse’s outfit inside.
The case begins to be publicized. While listening to a radio program evoking this disappearance, Etta Smith, an aerospace engineer, is seized with visions. In her flash, she sees a canyon, cliffs, and a winding road leading her to a “white thing”.
That same evening, Etta Smith went to the police station to warn the police. The investigators decide to schedule a search the next morning, near the place indicated by Etta Smith. But impatient, Etta decides to go herself to the crime scene and find Melanie’s body there in a bush, with her white shoes, raped and beaten to death.
At first, Etta became the main suspect. She is even imprisoned for 4 days. But luckily for her, a police informant points out Melanie’s murderers, teenagers who boasted about the crime, all imprisoned since.
A more than intriguing disappearance
On June 9, 1987, André Daigle, a 27-year-old home renovator living in New Orleans, had dinner with a friend and played a few games of pool. But after this evening, no more news from André.
When Élise McGinley, André’s sister, learns of her brother’s disappearance, she decides to call on a psychic called Rosemarie Kerr to pick up where the police left off. Indeed, the police were convinced that it was not a criminal act.
To find André, Rosemarie placed her finger on a photo of the missing man. Right away, she sensed he was dead, according to her testimony at the ensuing murder trial. Rosemarie also identified the location of Daigle’s body, a swamp in the area.
His discoveries helped relaunch the case, which resulted in the conviction of two men who ended up confessing to having killed Daigle to “test themselves”.
Double murder in Soham solved
In August 2022, the small town of Soham is rocked by the disappearance of two 10-year-old girls, Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman. During a family barbecue, Holly and Jessica disappeared into thin air. Without news of their daughters, the family asks the medium Dennis McKenzie to help them find them.
In a vision, he claims to have seen Holly and Jessica, both murdered by a couple, and predicts how the girls would have been murdered. He also describes the vehicle allegedly used to transport the girls, a red Fiesta Huntley.
13 days after their disappearance, the bodies of the two children were found, charred in a ditch, as predicted. The investigation will determine as guilty a couple, Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr, the couple designated by Dennis McKenzie.
A spirit that communicates in dreams
On June 16, 2004, Ashley Howley, a 20-year-old American girl, disappeared in Columbus, Ohio. On the day of her disappearance, Ashley contacted 911 for domestic violence. Since then, Ashley has never been heard from again. Only his car was found in a parking lot.
While the police find no clue to explain this disappearance, Kristy Robinett, a medium from Michigan, declares that the spirit of Ashley communicated with her during her sleep. Her spirit told her that her boyfriend was behind her disappearance and also told her the precise location of his body. “She wanted her boyfriend, the one who had done this to her, to go to prison”, the medium will explain to Grunge.
In 2008, her body was found buried cast in concrete at the location indicated by Kristy Robinett, and her boyfriend, Robert MacMichael, is convicted of several murders, including that of his mother and stepfather, which occurred two years after Ashley’s murder.
A lock of hair to find Paula Brown
Paula Brown, a 30-year-old hairdresser, disappeared after a night out with friends in Sydney in 1996. Her fiancé, in despair at the futile police search, turned to medium Philippe Durant for help. to find her.
Using a grid map, a lead wire and a lock of Paula’s hair, Philippe Durant said her body was in a neighborhood named Port Botany, New South Wales.
The police, who nevertheless searched in this area, were greatly surprised when a truck driver came across Paula’s lifeless body, a week later, near the place indicated by the medium. A “strangely precise” location as reported by the Australian police.
The Cleveland Affair Fiasco
In 2004, American medium Sylvia Browne announced on a television set to Louwana Miller that her daughter Amanda Berry had died. Amanda, who had disappeared a year earlier in Cleveland, was only 16 at the time.
At the announcement of this death, Louwana sinks into depression and dies two years later, no doubt of grief. But in May 2013, Amanda Berry miraculously escaped from what is known in the media as the “house of horror”, where Ariel Castro was holding her prisoner, along with two other young girls (Michelle Knight and Gina DeJesus). , for almost 10 years.
The medium and the investigator facing major criminal casesGeneviève Delpech and Karl Zéro, First editions, 2021

Medium: FBI investigator, Noreen Renier, ed. Original Books, 2011.

Mediumthe series available on Canal + and Amazon Prime.