4th Shamanic Film Festival of Ancestral Traditions and Spiritualities

It’s a real journey, in the world, and in your soul that awaits you during this festival. A program rich in discoveries, in cultures from elsewhere, and a real break from everyday life that is sometimes too fast and stressful.

The festival will open with a documentary: “The Teocaltzin Health Center” by Konstanty & Malgorzata Debowska. 54 minutes to discover this health center in which healing sessions are performed through dance, massage or acupuncture. A broadcast followed by a debate and traditional invocation of healing by the Mexican Matzatlaloc; What a good way to start the traditional adventure from 2 p.m. on Friday, October 7th.

Also on the program are documentaries like “The Twelve” by Lucy Martens & Olivier Girard, on messages from twelve wise men who meet at the UN; “Pyschomagia: an art for healing” by Alejandro Jodorowsky & Pascale Montandon, who tells us about the psychological heritage transmitted from generation to generation; “Women’s Secrets” by Jean-Claude Cheyssial, on spirituality and oral traditions from Gabon, transmitted by women…

You can also take part in a healing ceremony! Friday October 7 and Saturday October 8 from 11:30 p.m. to 1 a.m., Celtic healers from Chile, Mexico, Gabon and Congo will be there to introduce you to songs, dances and purification rituals.

Sunday October 9, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., to close the festival, you will have an appointment with the directors, the shamans and speakers for the presentation of the public prize.

All the information on the Rex and Cercle de Sagesse website.

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