48 arsonists were arrested this summer


Article written by

J. Debraux, E. Bonnasse, N. Berthier, France 3 New Aquitaine, S. Gravelaine – France 3

France Televisions

L’summer 2022 represented the period arsonists. 48 people were arrested. 12 were sentenced, including one to two years in prison.

After a grueling summer, firefighters put out a new fire, Friday, September 23, in Eygurande-et-Gardedeuil (Dordogne). The fire covered more than one hectare. Anger is rising among residents at the presence of arsonists. Everyone around is on the teeth, they stop his bullshit, frankly“, says one of them. Faced with the recurrence of fires, some residents have decided to do their own patrol, to identify possible suspects themselves. For several weeks, the gendarmes of the region have been increasing helicopter overflights.

According to the National Forestry Office, three out of ten fire starts are intentional this summer. In total, throughout France 48 arsonists have been arrested12 were sentenced, including one to 2 years in prison, the longest sentence. All social backgrounds are represented. We find in the lot of arsonists, firefighters and young people, among others. In the Dordogne, investigations are now carried out by a cell specially dedicated to tracking down arsonists.

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