47,000 contaminations in 24 hours



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In terms of health in France, the first case of the Omicron variant was detected on Reunion Island. During the last 24 hours, from Monday 29 to Tuesday 30 November, the number of new contaminations is catastrophic: 47,000.

47,000 Covid-19 contaminations, in France, during the last 24 hours according to Service Publique France. To find such high figures, we have to go back to April 2021, at the heart of the third wave. One difference which remains major, the number of hospitalizations is much lower than that of the third wave. But the situation could quickly worsen with the appearance of the new Omicron variant.

“We now know, thanks to the Institut Pasteur teams, that if we do nothing, the number of hospitalizations could resemble that of the second wave (November 2020). The epidemic peak could be reached at the level of the month of January “, announces Arnaud Fontanet, epidemiologist and member of the scientific council. Without a third dose of vaccine, up to 2,250 people could be hospitalized each day. Half as much if the French are going to be injected a third dose.

source site-14