45-year-old man died in apartment fire

A dead man. This is the assessment of a fire in Audincourt (Doubs), this Sunday, February 27, 2022. The fire broke out in the bedroom of the 45-year-old victim.

The privileged accident track

The neighbors of the building, located rue des Arbues, were awakened by the smell of smoke coming from the ground floor. They call the fire department around 4:50 a.m. The SDIS men arrive to put out the fire but discover the victim’s lifeless body. According to the police, it is a badly extinguished cigarette butt which is at the origin of the fire. An ashtray was discovered near the body.

An autopsy of the victim’s body will take place at the Forensic Institute of Besançon. The other tenants were able to return to their homes which were not affected by the fire.

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