44 years after his tragic disappearance, Gilbert Bécaud’s daughter releases a big file on the singer… “It was a little revenge”

France 3 will broadcast this Friday, September 9, 2022 a new issue of “Secret Archives” called “Le temps des amours”. Countless star-driven stories will come to light as reported Tele-Leisure. In the show orchestrated by Laurent Delahousse, a woman named Jennifer will tell her story. The latter was lucky to have two icons in her life!

Their names ? Gilbert Becaud and Claude Francois. Then a young drummer, the interpreter of “Bélinda” dreams of making a name for himself in show business. Very quickly, he fell in love with Janet Woollacott, a British dancer who only had eyes for Gilbert Bécaud. Stung to the quick, the duo separated in 1962! However, Claude François will continue to spy on all the facts of the young woman.

“He took advantage of this artistic blur…”

In the midst of turmoil, the singer swears to overshadow his rival on the music scene. After having lived a beautiful idyll, Gilbert Bécaud and Janet Woollacott end up breaking up to everyone’s surprise. While he is still legally married to his ex-girlfriend, Claude François then decides to take revenge! He is getting closer again to Janet Woollacott who gave birth to a baby Jennifer out of sight in 1965.

As a reminder, Gilbert Bécaud, still united with Monique Nicolas, had asked his mistress to be discreet about her pregnancy. The occasion being too good, Claude François recognizes Jennifer at the town hall. “He took advantage of this artistic blur to recognize me before dad”, confessed the latter during a sequence of the program. “I carried her name for six years: I had the mention ‘Jennifer François’ on my passport. It was a little revenge for him! “. However, the artist who is illustrated under the pseudonym of Jennifer Kay does not hold it against her: “I understand that very well, honestly. He always told dad that he stole his wife and didn’t love her. We were on a little cockfight.


to see also: Claude François “failed”: his return to Franc 3 in Thierry Ardisson’s program is talking!

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