434 requests for access to the identity of the donor received by Capadd

In this document that franceinfo was able to consult, we also learn that among the 101 donors identified, 19 agreed to reveal their identity.

The Capadd, the Commission for access to data from third-party donors for people born through medically assisted procreation, received 434 requests for access to the identity of the donor of sperm, oocytes or embryos, which allowed their birth. These are the figures published this Thursday in its first annual report by Capadd and which Franceinfo obtained. In this document that franceinfo was able to consult, we also learn that among the 101 donors identified, 19 agreed to reveal their identity. For the other 333 files, out of the 434, the searches have not yet been successful.

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In total, there were 440 requests for access to data, 2 letters were inadmissible and 4 requests were incomplete. For the 434 admissible requests, the average age of applicants is stable at 33 years in 2023 compared to 34 years in 2022. Women represent 74% of requests.

Difficulties accessing archives

Capadd, created on September 1, 2022 within the framework of the law of August 2, 2021 relating to bioethics, ended its first year of operation on August 31. The law of August 2, 2021 relating to bioethics makes it possible to provide answers to people born through PMA who have questions about their origins. These people can, when they come of age, request access to the identity of the donor. This commission was created to respond to this request.

Regarding the procedure, when the Capadd receives a request, it is up to the Cecos, the donation centers, to do research, without any obligation. It is a mission that is added to their daily life when they are already overwhelmed by PMA requests. Many of these centers therefore do not make it their priority, which complicates access to archives.

Since September 1, 2022, donor anonymity has come to an end, because prior to donating sperm, embryos or oocytes, they must consent to the communication of their data to the people born from this donation who , when they come of age, will request access to it. Without this consent, the donation cannot take place. For donations made before this date, the consent of the donors must be requested retrospectively. The donor can also give his consent spontaneously, in the latter case, 435 have done so. The number of children born in France following PMA with a third-party donor is estimated at 70,000 in 2019.

source site-32