42% of Quebecers plan to carry out renovations this year

A recent survey reveals that 42% of the Quebec population plans to carry out renovation work during the next year.

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“We already know that in 2021, it was furious madness”, declares Paul Cardinal, director of the economic service at the APCHQ.

The latter also claims that over the past year, Quebecers have invested $20.4 billion in renovations, an increase of 38% compared to 2020 figures.

According to the same survey, two out of three homeowners plan to do renovations costing at least $5,000 by 2024.

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About three out of four households would consider modernizing the interior of their property, for an average investment of $21,000.

Among the most planned works, Paul Cardinal counts the bathroom and kitchen modernizations. “These are the ones that add the most value to the property,” he adds to explain their popularity.

However, floor repairs are also popular, as is the layout of the basement and family room.

Mr. Cardinal also notes a keen interest in work that increases the energy efficiency of buildings, such as the installation of a more efficient heating and air conditioning system as well as improved insulation.


If the interior of their home seems to be the priority of the owners, many of them will nevertheless choose to refresh their outdoor space, according to the survey.

The renovations of terraces and balconies and landscaping are indeed found in the list of the most planned works.

To learn more, watch the video above.

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