Toulouse will host five matches at the Rugby World Cup, from September 10 to October 8.
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As part of the 2023 Rugby World Cup, hotels recorded 400% more booking requests in Toulouse and its surroundings compared to the same period in 2022, according to information from France Bleu Occitanie. The city will host five games during the Rugby World Cup, from September 10 to October 8.
Still according to France Bleu Occitanie, booking requests are also up sharply in Nantes (+400%), Paris (150%) and Lyon (240%). The increase is all the more spectacular in cities where reservations are usually moderate, such as Saint-Etienne for example (+2,000%).
Hotel rates have increased
Faced with demand and for an average duration of 2.5 nights, hotel prices have also increased: during the World Cup, a hotel room in Toulouse costs around 20% more than usual. Around September 10, first match at the Stadium, Japan / Chile, the average price is around 135 euros.
The three nationalities most represented in requests for hotel reservations are Great Britain, Japan and France: the pink city hosts two matches of the Japanese team, which has established its base camp in Ernest-Wallon .
In Toulouse, the five meetings scheduled at the Stadium should attract around 50,000 visitors, according to the Metropolis. The town hall also mentions an occupancy rate of 70% in the hotels in the center.